The Books

New Volume 5 of the HIJACKED! Series—The Demonic

Tools for Effective Prayer

There are some mechanics of prayers, such as persistency and fervency, that are essential for effective prayer. However, without the proper dynamics of prayer working to produce spiritual power in a person’s life—the positive effects of the discipline of proper mechanics are nullified.

Such is also the case with the contents of prayer. If one’s prayers don’t include the essential contents—effectiveness (or power) will be greatly diluted.

Jesus said that He came so that believers could live life abundantly (John 10:10 NKJV). Possessing life abundantly or victory every day in every way—in every aspect of your life—starts with an effective prayer life. And maintaining such a victorious lifestyle—day in and day out, year in and year out—requires an effective prayer life. Unfortunately, most believers (possibly as many as 99 percent) are not living the abundant life. The reason is that most don’t have an effective prayer life.

This book is therefore designed to take its readers on a journey to an effective prayer life. And when the journey is completed—the journey participants’ lives will never ever be the same again! An abundant, victorious lifestyle starts with effective prayer, ends with effective prayer, and is marinated with effective prayer from the beginning to the end.

So may God speak to your heart and richly bless you as you partake of the contents of this book, in Jesus’ name—I pray—amen!


Victory Every Day in Every Way

How much of the awesomely abundant life that Christ died to provide for believers do you want—a little bit, a lot, or all of it? If your answer is “all of it,” then Victory Every Day in Every Way was specifically written for you! This book will guide you on a journey from the outhouse to the penthouse or from wherever you are in life to where God wants you to be. God wants all believers to be victorious in everything we do, wherever we go, and for however long we stay.

This book explores the foolproof plan for kingdom living that God revealed to Nehemiah the governor. The plan is centered around the very difficult task of building a wall of protection around Jerusalem for the establishment of an uninterrupted victorious lifestyle for his people. This plan worked for Nehemiah and the Jews. It will therefore work for you! For God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow!


5 Volume HIJACKED! Series

In this five volume series, Hijacked!: How Dr. King’s Dream Became a Nightmare, author Clarence Washington Sr. dissects Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream and explores how our failure to adhere to its principles has allowed the dream to be hijacked and turned to a nightmare—and it’s time to wake up.


How Dr. King’s Dream Became a Nightmare

Volume 1, The Dream

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Volume 2, The Hijack

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Volume 3, The NIghtmare

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Volume 4, The Recovery

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Volume 5, The Demonic

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